
Sunday 27 November 2011

Top 5 Anime Episodes: #4

See? I like stuff, I do!

The list of my favorite anime episodes so far:

Number four:

Saturday 26 November 2011

Top 5 Anime Episodes: #5

I can't help but notice that people seem to have somehow gotten the impression that I hate everything. Ha ha, I know, right? Now, far be it from me to speculate how such disheartening and blatantly ridiculous rumors got their start, but I do know one thing: the jokes about it are starting to get groan-worthy and need to be put to a halt for the good of all. Oh, certainly, I tend to pay attention to the shortcomings of even stuff I like, and I don't give out perfect ratings lightly, but the truth is that my high standards are precisely what gives me a keen appreciation for genuine quality. I am perfectly willing to give praise where praise is due, and there are anime that make me geek out with adoration. Clearly, I didn't gush enough in my review of Spice and Wolf...

So, because this blog could use some content – and because I'm an enormous narcissist – I'm going to count down my the five anime episodes I like the most in pictures, one post at a time.