
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Three Reasons for Why AnoHana Is an Awful Series

At some point before Christmas, I had the idea to write a point-counterpoint article for this blog on the subject of a certain anime's quality. Unfortunately, the other party never got back to me with proper counterpoints, so I'm just going to put this out here as a general discussion of why it sucked. I encourage anyone reading this to come up with arguments on why I'm wrong. That means addressing my points specifically rather than bringing up things that the anime got right; I acknowledge that not everything in it was bad.

The anime in question in Ano Hi Mita no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (usually shortened to AnoHana for reasons of maintaining sanity).

AAMS Schedule, 2011-2012 Part 1.

Here's a list of every anime we watched in the winter term of 2011-2012.

You can find a list of last year's stuff here.