
Sunday, 27 November 2011

Top 5 Anime Episodes: #4

See? I like stuff, I do!

The list of my favorite anime episodes so far:

Number four:

Ergo Proxy episode 15: “Nightmare Quiz Show / Who Wants to Be in Jeopardy!”.

Ergo Proxy is a very dark, very serious series, and quite possibly the most pretentious anime I've ever seen. It's several different kinds of great, but this particular episode makes it clear that it's not without a certain sense of humor either. Having been wandering around a desert wasteland for a while now, the protagonists suddenly find themselves in a quiz show with no explanation whatsoever. The episode consists largely of the surreal and amusing interactions between the main character Vincent Law and the show's inhuman host MCQ. This isn't as arbitrary as it sounds, mind you. Aside from being a proper mind-fuck, this premise is also an incredibly unique and original way to deliver exposition. The random trivia questions give way to complex implications about the backstory and ominous foreshadowing – and all the while, Vincent doesn't have a clue what's going on. “Nightmare Quiz Show” is different from anything else I've ever seen, and a huge blast to watch.

My favorite part? Vincent getting the question about the opening song right.


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