
Monday, 3 June 2013

Valvrave Pilot Speculation [Spoilers!]

Kakumeiki Valvrave is an anime about a war between the militaristic Dorssia and the neutral country JIOR. Also, there are giant mechas that turn their pilots into vampires who can hop between bodies by biting their victims. It's pretty ridiculous.

It may be a bit late to speculate on who the various Valvrave pilots will be, since we already know two of them, and two more are all but confirmed, but I'd like to talk about who I think will become a pilot, and which Valvrave they'll get.

As of episode 8, our pilots are Haruto, the main character and pilot of the red Valvrave, and Rukino, a girl whose goal is to become famous. She is the owner of the green Valvrave.

Firstly, the enemy in episode 7's intro says that Rukino is part of a "Golden Seven", which indicates that there will be a total of seven Valvraves.

Rukino notes that the Valvraves seem to come in all the colours of the rainbow, but there are some problems with this theory. To begin with, Valvrave number VI is officially being called the "Violet" Valvrave. If it were following the pattern, it would be the Indigo Valvrave. Secondly, Valvrave II and VII have actually not yet been revealed, and we know that Valvrave VII cannot be Violet, so it must be something else.

Valvraves Two and Seven are missing from the list here.

My theory is that the Valvraves do NOT come in the colours of the rainbow, but instead follow the subtractive colour model, as seen here.

The Valvraves we know of are Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and "Violet". However, I think that this Violet Valvrave is actually closer to being Magenta, which is a shade of violet.

If this is accurate, then the remaining colours will be Cyan and Black.

Now, on to the actual speculation. The preview for episode 9 reveals that the blue Valvrave, Valvrave V, will be activated next.

But who will be in the cockpit? The show seems to be setting up Kyuma Inuzuka and Raizo Yamada as potential pilots. There are a few parallels between these characters, as both have been shot in the right shoulder, and both have lost friends to Dorssia, motivating them into action. It seems that they are going to be the focus of episode 9, named "Dog and Thunder". The "Thunder" part of the title comes from Raizo's self-proclaimed nickname (stop trying to make "Thunder" happen. It's not going to happen), while "Dog" comes from Kyuma's last name, Inuzuka. Inu = dog in Japanese.

Kyuma Inuzuka
Raizo Yamada

With this in mind, it is likely that both characters will become pilots. But who will get what Valvrave? Each Valvrave has a different fighting style, and so far, the Valvraves fit their pilots' personalities. Haruto has the jack-of-all-trades Valvrave, while Rukino pilots the flashy, show-off Valvrave. If this trend continues, then the defence-oriented blue Valvrave will absolutely not suit Raizo's hot-blooded personality. He is more suited for something like the third Valvrave, which seems to be a heavy hitter, and the recent announcement that a model of this third Valvrave will be manufactured indicates that it will be activated sooner rather than later.

Therefore, I believe that the yellow and blue Valvraves will be activated by Raizo and Kyuma respectively, in episode 9.

Of the known Valvraves, only the Violet/Magenta Valvrave remains. I think this one will be piloted by Akira, the hikikomori who has not yet been seen outside of her secluded cardboard fort. Akira might seem like a strange choice, seeing as she hasn't had a lot of screen-time, and has only really served as comic relief so far, but that's part of why I think she will become a pilot. Her artwork makes her seem a lot more serious than she's currently been portrayed, and I'd like to think that obtaining a Valvrave would help her character develop a bit more. Valvrave model VI is the most "mysterious", according to Sunrise, so it would make sense for a character we don't know very much about to develop alongside it.

L-Elf Karlstein is a young Dorssian soldier who has come to be known as "one-man army", due to his skills in battle. He is more than capable enough without a Valvrave, and honestly, a body-hopping L-Elf would be so overpowered that he'd seriously break the plot. Even though he is one of the main characters, I doubt he will be getting a Valvrave.

Here's where things become a bit more uncertain.

Shoko is Haruto's childhood friend, and the girl he very nearly confessed to in episode 1. She is almost certainly going to die. In my opinion, she will briefly become the cyan Valvrave's pilot, but will ultimately be destroyed in battle. I don't have any real evidence to back this up (sorry) but that's how I think things will play out.

The final Valvrave, the black one, will probably go to Cain, the obviously evil Dorssian commander. That is, if he doesn't own one already. He has seemed like a pretty chill guy up until recently, but episode 8 has revealed that he has a mark on his neck, the same mark associated with Valvrave pilots.

Could he be a pilot already? Both Haruto and Rukino show no sign of having such a mark, which suggests something a bit more sinister. Only time will tell whether he is a pilot or not, but my theory is that he will end up becoming the main antagonist of the series, and will bring a black Valvrave to the final battle.

Many say Valvrave is the kind of show that's so bad it's good, and many seem to have little patience for the absurd things that keep happening. Personally, I find that Valvrave is one of the best shows airing this season, and I can't wait to see how things turn out. The theories I have put forward in this article are just that, theories, but hopefully it will be able to convince you until we find out for sure.

TL;DR: I am taking Valvrave too seriously WOOPS


Anonymous said...

Has this club died?

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